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Weitere Informationen zum Projekt sind auf der offiziellen ECHT Projektseite des Fördermittelgebers zu finden:

ECHT Project Website


Phase 1 - Szenario-Technik nach Geschka

Definition des Themas und der Systemgrenzen

Traceability of Chemicals in global textile apparel value chains as prerequisite for a non-toxic, resource-preserving, climate-neutral circular economy in 2035

Which textile value chains are we talking about?

What is chemicals traceability?


„Textiles“ relevant for this project are cotton and polyester apparel (e.g. shirts, trousers).

“Traceability“ in this context means the possibility to trace back which chemicals are present in which component of an article (or were also used in the process).

„Ability“ (to trace) in the context of this project refers to knowledge and capacity regarding how to set up structures, processes and implement technologies to trace chemicals. It does not comprise specific tools or technologies themselves.

Value chains describe as many steps as possible from virgin material to consumer and beyond (e.g. repair, reuse, recycling).

In its most comprehensive form, traceability describes the concept of passing on infor- mation on material composition down to substances level throughout the entire value chain as full material declaration.


Definition der Einflussfaktoren

In einem mehrteiligen Prozess wurden 16 Einflussfaktoren ermittelt und definiert, die Einfluss auf das zuvor beschriebene System haben.

Liste der Einflussfaktoren


Prof. Dr. Martin Führ

Dr. Jonas Rehn-Groenendijk

Rebecca Niebler

Luxembourg Institute of Science and Technology, Umweltbundesamt, Neovili, European Carpets and Rugs Association, H&M Group, Luxembourg Media and Digital Design Centre, Team2, PUMA

Im Projekt beteiligen sich außerdem: Inditex, Ineris, Luxinnovation, Sympany, Techtera, Euratex, Lacoste

Aktuell keine Veranstaltungen vorgesehen

Gefördert im Rahmen von Interreg NWE Call 2, 2023-2026