Schiff auf weißem Grund

Events with practice

April 4, 2023 | Neighborhood discussion “Heating transition in the Johannesviertel”

“We managed to start and think through,” sums up Prof. Dr. Martin Führ at the end of the neighborhood talk. That sounds optimistic, but also after intensive discussions right from the start:

Together with the Office for Climate Protection and Climate Adaptation of the City of Darmstadt, the team of the Innovation and Transformation Platform for Sustainable Development (itp:ne) around Prof. Martin Führ and Dr. Silke Kleihauer was invited to a neighborhood discussion: Under the heading “Heating transition in the Johannesviertel”, the focus was on the question “How can we provide climate-friendly and affordable heating here in the neighborhood?” This question was not only addressed to the most recent Citizen Panel Survey after, It obviously moves a lot of people in the Johannesviertel, as the large crowd showed - instead of the expected 40 people, 120 guests came.

Read more about the event


Dr. rer. nat. Silke Kleihauer

Phone +49.6151.533-68896