itp:ne | Interactive agent-based heat networks
Develop potential for climate protection in existing buildings
Comprehensive changes are required for climate-neutral heat supply in cities and settlements - and the biggest challenges lie in existing buildings. There is potential in heating networks and the integration of decentralized heat sources, storage and prosumers.
Interactive agent-based heating networks were developed as a proposed solution
The project investigates how these potentials can be tapped. Using various methods such as transdisciplinary delta analysis, multilevel perspective context analysis and theory of change and simulations with TRnSYS, the project has developed solution approaches for and with practice partners. These include proposals for specific heating networks, economic feasibility analyses, organizational suggestions for the business model, energy simulations as well as conceptual work on how heating networks work.

©Harald Meyer
»The heating of buildings is mainly carried out by the building owners themselves. If modernization is required, they only look at their own property. Nearby heat requirements or heat generation potential (as well as cooling options) are not relevant for consideration because they cannot be developed without a connecting infrastructure."
– Harald Meyer, research assistant in the project